Modern Apprenticeship in Rural Skills
What qualifications are available?
Rural Skills Scotland are offering to levels of qualifications, these are:
MA Rural Skills (Estate Maintenance) – This Apprenticeship is at SVQ Level 2/ SCQF Level 5 and allows the Apprentice to undertake the Estate Maintenance Qualification.
MA Rural Skills (Estate Management) – This Apprenticeship is at SVQ Level 3/SCQF Level 6 and allows the Apprentice to undertake the Estate Management Qualification.
What are Core Skills?
While undertaking the Modern Apprenticeship, Apprentices will develop five core skills that employers’ value. These are:
Information and Communication Technology
Problem Solving
Working with Others
What Industry Specific Training is Required?
Apprentices must achieve an Emergency First Aid qualification plus one other accredited and nationally recognized occupational certificate which is relevant to the industry.
Individual Learning Plan
Every Apprentice is provided with a bespoke Individual Learning Plan. Progress is overseen and monitored by a Learning Advisor who makes regular visits to the workplace for on the job assessment and guidance.
How Long Will it Take to Complete?
On average it will take between 12 and 18 months to complete the Apprenticeship.
Where will the training take place?
The qualification is work-based, with the majority of training taking place in the work environment. Performance, knowledge and understanding will be assessed in a number of ways including a personal portfolio of evidence and tutor observations.
Benefits for the Employee
Becoming and Apprentice could be the ideal way to learn on the job. Apprentices earn a wage and gain an industry recognised qualification that is acknowledged by industry bodies representing the land-based sector.
Benefits for the Employer
An increasing number of employers are viewing formal education and training for their workforce as an investment. A Modern Apprenticeship provides employers with a focused, bespoke and on the job context for training and developing staff for the benefit of the employee and the company.
Funding support
A funding contribution towards the cost of the training may be available from Skills Development Scotland for Apprentices aged 16 – 19. A lesser amount may be available for those aged 20 and over.
As with any other employee, the employer is expected to pay the Apprentice’s wages.